Friday, September 18, 2009

Hearing aid to get used

When it comes to wear a hearing aid, you feel uncomfortable? Own voice seems too loud? We hear a whistle? It is difficult to distinguish the voices of people from the background noise? This is a common problem among people who have recently started to use a hearing aid. Because of them, some no longer use it. Meanwhile, almost all of these problems can be solved.

Habituation to the hearing aid, as well as to the points, requires time and patience. Be realistic. Just as eyeglasses do not restore normal vision, hearing aids can not restore normal hearing or eliminate all background noise. In fact, hearing aids can hear sounds that you have long ceased to distinguish. At first, it can be confusing and frustrating, disturbing identify those sounds that interest you. Be patient, try to get used to hearing aids, and you will get from it is much more useful than if it is just collecting dust in the closet.

How to use a hearing aid

First of all, you need to understand how to properly use a hearing aid. Consult a physician-deaf as to put on and take off the apparatus, how to distinguish between left and right headphones, adjust the volume, clean machine. If you feel that something needs to be repeated or clarified, go to the doctor again to fully understand these basic points.

More. If your device is not configured or not working as wanted, talk to audiology, that he has done for you the necessary settings. Ask when and where better to test the device. Typically, a hearing aid is dressed in a calm atmosphere, and gradually move to using it in an environment with a significant amount of extraneous noise. Do not carry the device all day: you will experience less discomfort if you limit its use in some period during the day.

Please audiologist about all emerging issues. Whistling in the apparatus, as a rule, arises from the fact that the device does not quite fit on the form in the ear plug of earwax or fluid. Bass enhancement and too loud sound of his own voice, causing a feeling of light to stun, is called the occlusion effect. Audiologists help solve both problems, or suggest how you can deal with them independently. If you have only one earpiece, and you find it difficult to determine in which direction is the source of sound, can help to purchase a second earpiece.

Keep a diary

In the period of adjustment hearing aid and habituation Keep a diary. Each time, using the device in the new situation, write down how you hear and what problems arise. Then discuss the problems encountered with audiology. We'll have to be patient and do quite a long way to get used to hearing aid and new sensations. But as a result you really begin to hear better.
Rx Florida

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