Sunday, December 13, 2009

We're going to camp!

We're going to camp! Summer vacation is around the corner, and soon we'll start thinking about where to spend those months, our children. Although available and almost mandatory for all students, pioneer camps have sunk into oblivion, and organized children's recreation continues to exist and the rescue of many working parents. Can not say that as a safe and en masse, as in past years, but still stable, interesting and safe. If, of course, choose a good camp.

And the camp today, the services of a variety of solvent parents. Sports and labor, health and creativity, stationary and tents. How do I choose? The cost of permits in a particular camp, on the other, practically nothing will tell you about the quality of rest in it. Should be interested in the details. Amortizes whether the price vouchers director's new "Mercedes" or the purchase of simulators and the construction of the pool? That is the question. In it you will, of course, no one will answer. So the best way - familiar ring up the parents and ask their impressions of Chad from past holidays. But before the final choice to go to the coveted camp personally and look at all their own.

Wonder how much of the day are going to feed your child, of course, possible. But it also did not figure. Because some parents are spending money on coffee and cognac, which (thank God) to the children do not reach, and the other solely on fruits and vegetables to young children's groundwater table. Low cost power laid by is not always explicitly indicates poor quality or lack of products. After some skillful economic planners are organizing the purchase of fresh milk and meat near the farm, while others are discharged at much greater cost powdered yogurt and American leg of the capital.

What to do? Again, the person's nose in the children's plates and a quarter of an hour with chatty dishwasher. By the way, watch as she washes the dishes: annual shifts in the middle of closing dozens of camps because of outbreaks of intestinal diseases. The reason is usually banal - saving on detergents. If your companion costing only boiling water and swollen sponge - run away.

If you love to act officially, can require the menu layout of products and certificates for them, as well as the conclusion Surveillance of drinking water and food and living conditions of children. The largest number of cockroaches and other vermin inhabit in those camps, which are used year-round. Cockroaches - animal-loving, no heating in the winter frosts okolevayut in a couple of days. So in summer camps, where the winter residence is not provided, they have nothing to fear. Also, of course, pockets of civilization: the kitchen, the manager's office, the van guard, and other warm places.

Svezheotremontirovannye walls and parquet floors - certainly a pleasant phenomenon. But on a trip in a sleeping corps pay attention to another. First, the electrical wiring. Its a brand new lining to drive and in the nude. Ripping the skirting boards and panels to you, of course, no one will. But electricians can evaluate the integrity and exteriors - that emerge from holes in the walls, interwoven, connected, and again go underground. If the wiring is enclosed in a brand new shiny corrugated tube, and even at the joints are no traces of primitive tape or razlohmachennoy winding, we can hope for security.

Secondly, ask fire equipment. Do not be captivated by the bright red shield with a shiny and polished shovel hook. Look specifically in the bedroom where your child will live, fire extinguisher: see the integrity of the seal and expiration date. And it is good to your future scout imagine how this antediluvian aggregate use.

If the bedroom on the first floor - try to open the window yourself. He may have been carefully boarded up with nails and poured sealant that kids do not catch cold. But to burn in the bed where unpleasant. In any case, promise your child that you will not blame him for the broken glass in an emergency. If the bedroom on the top floor, with your child find the fire escape and let him climb to her heart's content.

And now it's time to look into the camp medical facility. Meet the health worker, ask: whether he will run during the next shift, as well as his qualifications and personality in general. Unfortunately, clinics summer camps made a penny for retirement or vacation from work. In the same remote countryside camps, it happens with doctors and nurses completely unqualified relatives and acquaintances of the Director, who came to rest on nature. We can not expect miracles of medicine in case of emergency with a child in this situation to occur.

With the most charming smile, look in the medicine chest. What? Preparations for the children, a fresh set of first aid for injuries or medication for high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, and other personal problems, medical staff? Today, every physician is free to organize their medical arsenal of their own choice. Because of whom he thinks in the first place? Sometimes things can be much more banal: the medicine cabinet, but dusty enema, mercury thermometer and a bottle of "brilliant green, nothing at all.

Now look at the mentors, teachers, counselor. Ideally, this should be a person (not necessarily professional educators) with a certificate of authorization to work with children, issued by the structures of education. Experts say that the use of leisure time for vacation school teachers are not very helpful to children: school teachers can not disconnect from the command-and instructive style of behavior. But children are much more important than the summer break from school than to learn again, even though something very useful. So sometimes much better result pedagogical institutions, students, teachers, further education, or simply enthusiasts in general without special education.

Note: often as a mentor also adopted another relative or good friend of the camp leader, whom the children and their inner world, and their age-they do not care. How to distinguish harmful from beneficial mentor? The latter know the other counselors and mentors. He worked in summer camps is not the first year, but not old, not too emotional, but not apathetic to the children's games, knows all the children in his squad for the names of a few days, but until the end does not allow them too be too familiar with them . And most important - the children from him in the biggest ecstasy. Delighted, but not in full. This means that he still does not allow them to sit on his head, does not allow them to smoke, and rage at night and does not give rise to personal popularity to watch adult magazines.
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