We're going to camp! Summer vacation is around the corner, and soon we'll start thinking about where to spend those months, our children. Although available and almost mandatory for all students, pioneer camps have sunk into oblivion, and organized children's recreation continues to exist and the rescue of many working parents. Can not say that as a safe and en masse, as in past years, but still stable, interesting and safe. If, of course, choose a good camp.
And the camp today, the services of a variety of solvent parents. Sports and labor, health and creativity, stationary and tents. How do I choose? The cost of permits in a particular camp, on the other, practically nothing will tell you about the quality of rest in it. Should be interested in the details. Amortizes whether the price vouchers director's new "Mercedes" or the purchase of simulators and the construction of the pool? That is the question. In it you will, of course, no one will answer. So the best way - familiar ring up the parents and ask their impressions of Chad from past holidays. But before the final choice to go to the coveted camp personally and look at all their own.
Wonder how much of the day are going to feed your child, of course, possible. But it also did not figure. Because some parents are spending money on coffee and cognac, which (thank God) to the children do not reach, and the other solely on fruits and vegetables to young children's groundwater table. Low cost power laid by is not always explicitly indicates poor quality or lack of products. After some skillful economic planners are organizing the purchase of fresh milk and meat near the farm, while others are discharged at much greater cost powdered yogurt and American leg of the capital.
What to do? Again, the person's nose in the children's plates and a quarter of an hour with chatty dishwasher. By the way, watch as she washes the dishes: annual shifts in the middle of closing dozens of camps because of outbreaks of intestinal diseases. The reason is usually banal - saving on detergents. If your companion costing only boiling water and swollen sponge - run away.
If you love to act officially, can require the menu layout of products and certificates for them, as well as the conclusion Surveillance of drinking water and food and living conditions of children. The largest number of cockroaches and other vermin inhabit in those camps, which are used year-round. Cockroaches - animal-loving, no heating in the winter frosts okolevayut in a couple of days. So in summer camps, where the winter residence is not provided, they have nothing to fear. Also, of course, pockets of civilization: the kitchen, the manager's office, the van guard, and other warm places.
Svezheotremontirovannye walls and parquet floors - certainly a pleasant phenomenon. But on a trip in a sleeping corps pay attention to another. First, the electrical wiring. Its a brand new lining to drive and in the nude. Ripping the skirting boards and panels to you, of course, no one will. But electricians can evaluate the integrity and exteriors - that emerge from holes in the walls, interwoven, connected, and again go underground. If the wiring is enclosed in a brand new shiny corrugated tube, and even at the joints are no traces of primitive tape or razlohmachennoy winding, we can hope for security.
Secondly, ask fire equipment. Do not be captivated by the bright red shield with a shiny and polished shovel hook. Look specifically in the bedroom where your child will live, fire extinguisher: see the integrity of the seal and expiration date. And it is good to your future scout imagine how this antediluvian aggregate use.
If the bedroom on the first floor - try to open the window yourself. He may have been carefully boarded up with nails and poured sealant that kids do not catch cold. But to burn in the bed where unpleasant. In any case, promise your child that you will not blame him for the broken glass in an emergency. If the bedroom on the top floor, with your child find the fire escape and let him climb to her heart's content.
And now it's time to look into the camp medical facility. Meet the health worker, ask: whether he will run during the next shift, as well as his qualifications and personality in general. Unfortunately, clinics summer camps made a penny for retirement or vacation from work. In the same remote countryside camps, it happens with doctors and nurses completely unqualified relatives and acquaintances of the Director, who came to rest on nature. We can not expect miracles of medicine in case of emergency with a child in this situation to occur.
With the most charming smile, look in the medicine chest. What? Preparations for the children, a fresh set of first aid for injuries or medication for high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, and other personal problems, medical staff? Today, every physician is free to organize their medical arsenal of their own choice. Because of whom he thinks in the first place? Sometimes things can be much more banal: the medicine cabinet, but dusty enema, mercury thermometer and a bottle of "brilliant green, nothing at all.
Now look at the mentors, teachers, counselor. Ideally, this should be a person (not necessarily professional educators) with a certificate of authorization to work with children, issued by the structures of education. Experts say that the use of leisure time for vacation school teachers are not very helpful to children: school teachers can not disconnect from the command-and instructive style of behavior. But children are much more important than the summer break from school than to learn again, even though something very useful. So sometimes much better result pedagogical institutions, students, teachers, further education, or simply enthusiasts in general without special education.
Note: often as a mentor also adopted another relative or good friend of the camp leader, whom the children and their inner world, and their age-they do not care. How to distinguish harmful from beneficial mentor? The latter know the other counselors and mentors. He worked in summer camps is not the first year, but not old, not too emotional, but not apathetic to the children's games, knows all the children in his squad for the names of a few days, but until the end does not allow them too be too familiar with them . And most important - the children from him in the biggest ecstasy. Delighted, but not in full. This means that he still does not allow them to sit on his head, does not allow them to smoke, and rage at night and does not give rise to personal popularity to watch adult magazines.
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Sexual attitudes and character
A woman comes to the doctor:
- My husband and I do not get satisfaction from sex, have tried all the poses.
- And you try, like animals. Dogs on the street saw? Here's how they are. Come back in a week.
After seven days:
- Doctor, thank you! It helped!
- So, it means that now there are no problems?
- No, doctor, but we initially hesitated to passers-by ...
Doubt, what is your new friend ... No, not a penis, only a character? And what his secret addiction? 'll Have to watch him in games of love: what did he whisper in my ear, like touching your chest. Finally, some prefer to pose as himself and with the leads. He does not suspect that at this moment your attentive gaze opens all of its essence, like the picture x-ray. "Create your own posture and bear the character to withstand it," - said Daniil Kharms.
Favorite position: the classic "missionary": it - on top, you - from the bottom.
He likes to crush you with all their weight, when you are in a horizontal position on the back. In general, it turns the typical "sandwich", where between his body and bed, you - "stuffing". He can, and he is not aware of, but it excites, it was him on top, and thus governs the ball. He usually strives to bite your ear lobe or a passionate kiss bite to the neck.
Diagnosis. If smart, like a rabbit, quickly enjoys and falls off - it means that he is terribly jealous, greedy and prone to receive short-term pleasures, and in general a bad lover. He had frequent headaches, sick waist, he smokes a lot, prone to binge, his idols - the coach Romantsev with a cigarette-pacifier and Jim Carrey.
If you move slowly, loud sighs and sweats a lot, but you do not know where to go, only to soon it was over - it is a problematic instance, diffident. Shall not get away so the girls needed sayings, like: "I am happy with you, mouse or hard-boiled:" baby, and you're cool. " He is not capable of feats and experiments.
Favorite position: "Doggy-style" or "Roman horse". "Dog" or "horse" - it's you, of course. And he - "male" or "handler".
You try to ride him, but he seemed to love behind. Perhaps you lashes on the buttocks and kept pulling her hair.
Diagnosis. If he "loves" strictly "here and there, with force, silently and grimly, as Suvorov, who decided in whatever was to bomb enemy - look out! Before you (or rather - behind you) is a dangerous man with the past. This type of important kicks of "victory": partner defeated on all fours. But he could all his "doggy" soul to truly love his "Doggy". So love, that live out of his shackles of love is not weed.
Another fan of this posture: a romantic who enjoys a variation on the theme "povraschat hips, and moved their left and right, while waving his hands, like a wing, sing, say," Ave Maria ". This could be interesting character for communication, but a coward, trembling at the thought that we need to look into the eyes of a girl, if it turns her face to face. He loves to do "is" very often, with different girls. A sort of collector of women Popok that "silent", in contrast to the eyes and lips. So simple. Romantic does not like challenges, runs away from responsibility. He eats chocolate, drinking spirits, playing in a casino.
Favorite pose. There may be few, but they are all from the region of incredible acrobatics with a bunch of different associated complexity. That is, everything except the traditional preferences.
When sexual intercourse begins to turn you into "nodes", strives to put him in a pose of "lotus", to stretch the twine, arranges existential sexual experience.
Diagnosis. Typically, this esthete, wistful about tantra, listening to alternative music, often not knowing what he wants in life. Yes, perhaps only one - leaving out of boredom, traditions and ... cordiality. Because he is incredibly self-centered, vain and ambitious. Center of his universe - his own. Decide to stay with him - do not wait for care and attention and be ready to fulfill his whims, including sexual. The only advantage - an incredible cleanliness.
Favorite position: "Cat on a tree." That is love "on weight": you're both standing there, you hang on him, hugging his legs around her waist.
He picks you, "hangs" on himself and begins with the power to move. He does so violently, screaming like Tarzan (real, not one that the father of Natasha Koroleva). Can do it in a large mirror to admire themselves. Yes, is first and foremost. And only then you, if you are perfectly composed.
Diagnosis. Crazy narcissus. Most of those involved in bodybuilding, fitness, tennis. And bodybuilders are people with complexes, being first kick, then - perhaps too enamored of himself by sticking muscles. He is incredibly polygamy can not enjoy one or two girls, he always needed a dozen or two and certainly beauties. He pulls you covered with its flat-nude pictures, tell him the sea of compliments, is with him his protein foods necessary bodybuilders. He listens to heavy rock, Zemfira, do not consume alcohol and not smoking. This is probably a plus. But from the constant stress on your lower back, due to the fact that he prefers to pose "cat", a companion may be problems with the spine, it may suffer from constipation.
Favorite position: on one side.
It turns you on the side, falls from behind, pressed, and "embedded" in the curves of your body. It turns out "pretzel" or "loaf" as anyone. Almost the same may be, if he will turn you to face him. He enjoys the slow and deep penetration into you, embraces something there whispers.
Diagnosis. He was accustomed to the warm pies and soft house slippers, measured rhythm of life, that "everything on the shelves, and that orgasms came on time, and in the sexual contact was all predictable. Type - mama's boy or a boring zhenatik. Tedious, as Karl Marx at the time work on "Capital". If fate will bring you, you will be provided with life "on the clock" with rare sex on the side.
Favorite position: All of them!
He is unique: cheeky, like a hussar, and courteous, as an aristocrat; rough and gentle, shy and impudent, unpredictable.
Diagnosis. It was such a man - a universal lover. His main passion - is the pleasure the woman he loves. He will satisfy her and myself will not forget. What if this posture - for him armistice.
So if you like, then go for you at any sacrifice. But a long time it is unlikely to be enough: there are so many objects of worship ...
- My husband and I do not get satisfaction from sex, have tried all the poses.
- And you try, like animals. Dogs on the street saw? Here's how they are. Come back in a week.
After seven days:
- Doctor, thank you! It helped!
- So, it means that now there are no problems?
- No, doctor, but we initially hesitated to passers-by ...
Doubt, what is your new friend ... No, not a penis, only a character? And what his secret addiction? 'll Have to watch him in games of love: what did he whisper in my ear, like touching your chest. Finally, some prefer to pose as himself and with the leads. He does not suspect that at this moment your attentive gaze opens all of its essence, like the picture x-ray. "Create your own posture and bear the character to withstand it," - said Daniil Kharms.
Favorite position: the classic "missionary": it - on top, you - from the bottom.
He likes to crush you with all their weight, when you are in a horizontal position on the back. In general, it turns the typical "sandwich", where between his body and bed, you - "stuffing". He can, and he is not aware of, but it excites, it was him on top, and thus governs the ball. He usually strives to bite your ear lobe or a passionate kiss bite to the neck.
Diagnosis. If smart, like a rabbit, quickly enjoys and falls off - it means that he is terribly jealous, greedy and prone to receive short-term pleasures, and in general a bad lover. He had frequent headaches, sick waist, he smokes a lot, prone to binge, his idols - the coach Romantsev with a cigarette-pacifier and Jim Carrey.
If you move slowly, loud sighs and sweats a lot, but you do not know where to go, only to soon it was over - it is a problematic instance, diffident. Shall not get away so the girls needed sayings, like: "I am happy with you, mouse or hard-boiled:" baby, and you're cool. " He is not capable of feats and experiments.
Favorite position: "Doggy-style" or "Roman horse". "Dog" or "horse" - it's you, of course. And he - "male" or "handler".
You try to ride him, but he seemed to love behind. Perhaps you lashes on the buttocks and kept pulling her hair.
Diagnosis. If he "loves" strictly "here and there, with force, silently and grimly, as Suvorov, who decided in whatever was to bomb enemy - look out! Before you (or rather - behind you) is a dangerous man with the past. This type of important kicks of "victory": partner defeated on all fours. But he could all his "doggy" soul to truly love his "Doggy". So love, that live out of his shackles of love is not weed.
Another fan of this posture: a romantic who enjoys a variation on the theme "povraschat hips, and moved their left and right, while waving his hands, like a wing, sing, say," Ave Maria ". This could be interesting character for communication, but a coward, trembling at the thought that we need to look into the eyes of a girl, if it turns her face to face. He loves to do "is" very often, with different girls. A sort of collector of women Popok that "silent", in contrast to the eyes and lips. So simple. Romantic does not like challenges, runs away from responsibility. He eats chocolate, drinking spirits, playing in a casino.
Favorite pose. There may be few, but they are all from the region of incredible acrobatics with a bunch of different associated complexity. That is, everything except the traditional preferences.
When sexual intercourse begins to turn you into "nodes", strives to put him in a pose of "lotus", to stretch the twine, arranges existential sexual experience.
Diagnosis. Typically, this esthete, wistful about tantra, listening to alternative music, often not knowing what he wants in life. Yes, perhaps only one - leaving out of boredom, traditions and ... cordiality. Because he is incredibly self-centered, vain and ambitious. Center of his universe - his own. Decide to stay with him - do not wait for care and attention and be ready to fulfill his whims, including sexual. The only advantage - an incredible cleanliness.
Favorite position: "Cat on a tree." That is love "on weight": you're both standing there, you hang on him, hugging his legs around her waist.
He picks you, "hangs" on himself and begins with the power to move. He does so violently, screaming like Tarzan (real, not one that the father of Natasha Koroleva). Can do it in a large mirror to admire themselves. Yes, is first and foremost. And only then you, if you are perfectly composed.
Diagnosis. Crazy narcissus. Most of those involved in bodybuilding, fitness, tennis. And bodybuilders are people with complexes, being first kick, then - perhaps too enamored of himself by sticking muscles. He is incredibly polygamy can not enjoy one or two girls, he always needed a dozen or two and certainly beauties. He pulls you covered with its flat-nude pictures, tell him the sea of compliments, is with him his protein foods necessary bodybuilders. He listens to heavy rock, Zemfira, do not consume alcohol and not smoking. This is probably a plus. But from the constant stress on your lower back, due to the fact that he prefers to pose "cat", a companion may be problems with the spine, it may suffer from constipation.
Favorite position: on one side.
It turns you on the side, falls from behind, pressed, and "embedded" in the curves of your body. It turns out "pretzel" or "loaf" as anyone. Almost the same may be, if he will turn you to face him. He enjoys the slow and deep penetration into you, embraces something there whispers.
Diagnosis. He was accustomed to the warm pies and soft house slippers, measured rhythm of life, that "everything on the shelves, and that orgasms came on time, and in the sexual contact was all predictable. Type - mama's boy or a boring zhenatik. Tedious, as Karl Marx at the time work on "Capital". If fate will bring you, you will be provided with life "on the clock" with rare sex on the side.
Favorite position: All of them!
He is unique: cheeky, like a hussar, and courteous, as an aristocrat; rough and gentle, shy and impudent, unpredictable.
Diagnosis. It was such a man - a universal lover. His main passion - is the pleasure the woman he loves. He will satisfy her and myself will not forget. What if this posture - for him armistice.
So if you like, then go for you at any sacrifice. But a long time it is unlikely to be enough: there are so many objects of worship ...
Most sexual peoples of the world
Sex plays in the life of modern people's role, whose importance can hardly be overestimated. That's why we are so interested in the question: what about "these" things from other peoples? It is no secret that people of one nationality have a reputation for passionate lovers, and representatives of the other, according to the same stereotype, cold and phlegmatic in bed.
Statistics, as they say, knows everything. Know the statistics and on such sensitive aspects of human life, such as sexual behavior.
What will tell us dry and dispassionate statistics provided by Durex, on the intimate life of different peoples?
The most recent place of sexuality belongs unconditionally to the Japanese. Living in Land of the Rising Sun so much work that can be given to sexual intercourse only 45 days a year.
Seems poet Igor Guberman was their had in mind when he wrote:
If life is too business-like,
Suffers sexual function.
In the second place from the end of Singaporeans (73 times). Amazed researchers Indians. The population of the homeland Kama Sutra, strangely enough, does not seek to diversify the sexual relationship. Limit of imagination of most Indians - the sex in her parents' bedroom.
Most of the population considers it necessary to keep her virginity until marriage. Threesomes, vibrators, homosexual - something supraliminal for residents of India. The Indians are almost enjoy the massage oils, exciting flavors and erotic literature.
Strictly speaking, the same can be said of most Asian nations.
Surprised the researchers, and black men. On the one hand, the hot African guys trying to have sex in all the appropriate and inappropriate places. Nigerians and does belong to the world record for the duration of sexual intercourse: an average of 24 minutes. However, those who like "chocolate rabbits" will be disappointed: only half of the same Nigerians engaged in sex at least once a week.
The Germans have confirmed the reputation of pragmatic and down to earth lovers. In Germany, the attitude toward sex - as a normal physiological Act: for health. Solid German sex is very similar to its utilitarian cleaning teeth. Apparently, in order to "recovery" is held here early sexual education of children. As a result of this, and the Germans lose their virginity early: an average of 15 years or so.
But the British haughtiness and coldness, apparently, in the past. Now the British gladly use a variety of devices from the sex shops and are sexually active before marriage. However, loyalty to hearth and home still "rules" in Foggy Albion: links on the side have only 14% of respondents.
Did not surprise the Italians. By nature they are metrosexuals, that is, people who love themselves. As a consequence, Italian, and he will enjoy in bed, and the partner will not forget.
The French, who all consider the ideal lovers, do not like the stereotype. In sex descendants of the Gauls conservative. Love they do on average about 120 times a year, but the sexual act lasts only 14 minutes, including foreplay.
But most sexual people, as expected, were the Turks and Hispanics.
Turkish ladies' man can boast of a world record: on average schetuu every Turk about 14 sexual partners. More than half of Turkish men are not averse to "go left". Surprisingly, while only 8% know firsthand about the diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.
The inhabitants of Latin America, in their sexuality, not least the role played by ... national dances. It turns out that all these rumba, samba, mambo, during the execution of which has been actively rotate their hips, excites no worse than Viagra. Whatever the case, Latin Americans are more likely than other people, not to have sex at work and even in public transport.
Statistics, as they say, knows everything. Know the statistics and on such sensitive aspects of human life, such as sexual behavior.
What will tell us dry and dispassionate statistics provided by Durex, on the intimate life of different peoples?
The most recent place of sexuality belongs unconditionally to the Japanese. Living in Land of the Rising Sun so much work that can be given to sexual intercourse only 45 days a year.
Seems poet Igor Guberman was their had in mind when he wrote:
If life is too business-like,
Suffers sexual function.
In the second place from the end of Singaporeans (73 times). Amazed researchers Indians. The population of the homeland Kama Sutra, strangely enough, does not seek to diversify the sexual relationship. Limit of imagination of most Indians - the sex in her parents' bedroom.
Most of the population considers it necessary to keep her virginity until marriage. Threesomes, vibrators, homosexual - something supraliminal for residents of India. The Indians are almost enjoy the massage oils, exciting flavors and erotic literature.
Strictly speaking, the same can be said of most Asian nations.
Surprised the researchers, and black men. On the one hand, the hot African guys trying to have sex in all the appropriate and inappropriate places. Nigerians and does belong to the world record for the duration of sexual intercourse: an average of 24 minutes. However, those who like "chocolate rabbits" will be disappointed: only half of the same Nigerians engaged in sex at least once a week.
The Germans have confirmed the reputation of pragmatic and down to earth lovers. In Germany, the attitude toward sex - as a normal physiological Act: for health. Solid German sex is very similar to its utilitarian cleaning teeth. Apparently, in order to "recovery" is held here early sexual education of children. As a result of this, and the Germans lose their virginity early: an average of 15 years or so.
But the British haughtiness and coldness, apparently, in the past. Now the British gladly use a variety of devices from the sex shops and are sexually active before marriage. However, loyalty to hearth and home still "rules" in Foggy Albion: links on the side have only 14% of respondents.
Did not surprise the Italians. By nature they are metrosexuals, that is, people who love themselves. As a consequence, Italian, and he will enjoy in bed, and the partner will not forget.
The French, who all consider the ideal lovers, do not like the stereotype. In sex descendants of the Gauls conservative. Love they do on average about 120 times a year, but the sexual act lasts only 14 minutes, including foreplay.
But most sexual people, as expected, were the Turks and Hispanics.
Turkish ladies' man can boast of a world record: on average schetuu every Turk about 14 sexual partners. More than half of Turkish men are not averse to "go left". Surprisingly, while only 8% know firsthand about the diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.
The inhabitants of Latin America, in their sexuality, not least the role played by ... national dances. It turns out that all these rumba, samba, mambo, during the execution of which has been actively rotate their hips, excites no worse than Viagra. Whatever the case, Latin Americans are more likely than other people, not to have sex at work and even in public transport.
What is the use of sex?
Now abstinence is no longer fashionable. Researchers tell us that sexual activity should be regular. It turns out that if you have sex, you can get rid of many health problems. Sex eliminates pain and increases immunity. So happy in love live longer and suffer less from various diseases.
Sex strengthens the heart.
Studies have shown that those who have everything in order with personal life, rarely have problems with the heart.
It turns out that the probability of heart attack or stroke, they have decreased by almost half. This is due to the release of hormones responsible for sexual desire. Do not avoid sex, even those who have suffered a heart attack or stroke. Sex hormones serve, in some way, medicine for them.
A man who regularly engaged in sex, live longer. Researchers have reported an interesting fact: death and disease are more common among people who long to abstain from sexual relations.
Many women complain about the appearance of seals in the chest. Most runs in a panic to mammologist, which makes them unpleasant diagnosis - breast. This disease is automatically puts a woman at risk for breast cancer.
So, those of us who are happily married or has a permanent sexual partner have a much lower probability of occurrence of mastitis, or breast cancer education.
Sex strengthens the immune system.
People who have regular sex life, develop antibodies that protect them from disease and strengthen immunity.
Therefore, they occur less often, and all the flu epidemic pass them by. In addition, during seka produced endorphins - the so-called hormone of happiness. Women who have regular sex life, happier and more positive outlook on life. Depression and are visited much less often than those who have problems with personal life.
You might get rid of excess weight, sex burns the same calories as a 15-minute jog or training in the gym.
Sex relieves from pain.
If you don migraine or the weather differed tooth, then to have sex with someone you love - the best medicine to relax and fall asleep. Of course the next day should not put off a visit to the dentist.
The fact that the hormones responsible for sexual pleasure intensifying antibolevoy center in the brain.
The most important thing - is to love each other. Sex without love - the worst you can imagine. Express your love for each other and be happy
Sex strengthens the heart.
Studies have shown that those who have everything in order with personal life, rarely have problems with the heart.
It turns out that the probability of heart attack or stroke, they have decreased by almost half. This is due to the release of hormones responsible for sexual desire. Do not avoid sex, even those who have suffered a heart attack or stroke. Sex hormones serve, in some way, medicine for them.
A man who regularly engaged in sex, live longer. Researchers have reported an interesting fact: death and disease are more common among people who long to abstain from sexual relations.
Many women complain about the appearance of seals in the chest. Most runs in a panic to mammologist, which makes them unpleasant diagnosis - breast. This disease is automatically puts a woman at risk for breast cancer.
So, those of us who are happily married or has a permanent sexual partner have a much lower probability of occurrence of mastitis, or breast cancer education.
Sex strengthens the immune system.
People who have regular sex life, develop antibodies that protect them from disease and strengthen immunity.
Therefore, they occur less often, and all the flu epidemic pass them by. In addition, during seka produced endorphins - the so-called hormone of happiness. Women who have regular sex life, happier and more positive outlook on life. Depression and are visited much less often than those who have problems with personal life.
You might get rid of excess weight, sex burns the same calories as a 15-minute jog or training in the gym.
Sex relieves from pain.
If you don migraine or the weather differed tooth, then to have sex with someone you love - the best medicine to relax and fall asleep. Of course the next day should not put off a visit to the dentist.
The fact that the hormones responsible for sexual pleasure intensifying antibolevoy center in the brain.
The most important thing - is to love each other. Sex without love - the worst you can imagine. Express your love for each other and be happy
Saturday, October 31, 2009
My Home My Health
Sexual health - is an important component of the overall emotional and physical health of any person. Although erectile dysfunction and does not threaten human life, it in no way be regarded as some sort of trivial problem. Admittedly, it is - a widespread violation, based on the physical cause often lies.
What is erectile dysfunction?
The term "erectile dysfunction" has replaced the outdated term "impotence". The word "impotence" is no longer used, because it does not give a clear explanation of the problem. Moreover, the use of this term led to an incorrect understanding of this condition. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction, are not sterile and retain the ability to ejaculation and orgasm, as well as all other men. У них так же есть все нормальные мужские половые признаки. Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be defined as "inability to achieve and (or) to maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity."
For most men at some time in their lives may be problems with achieving and maintaining an erection, possibly due to excessive stress, receiving large amounts of alcohol, or simply fatigue. However, if this problem persists, it most likely is associated with erectile dysfunction. ED affects 100 million men worldwide and 30 million men in the United States. The study of men's health showed the overall prevalence of ED, equal to 39% in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, Italy and Spain.
Study IMSM (Massachusetts study on issues of aging men) found that 52% of men aged ot40 to 70let in varying degrees, suffered from erectile dysfunction. Many men with erectile dysfunction to suffer in silence because they believe it - artificial problem that they have to put up with her because they grow old or because there is still nothing to be done.
Why there is erectile dysfunction?
To understand why there is erectile dysfunction, it is useful to know how an erection. When a man is sexually excited, his brain sends signals to nerve endings in the tissues of the penis. This causes dilation of blood vessels in the penis and increases blood flow to it, which, in turn, leads to an erection. At the same time, those vessels, which usually occurs outflow of blood from the penis, are dwindling. This combination of increased blood flow to the penis and reduce its outflow leads to a full erection.
After the sexual act is the outflow of blood from the penis, and he returns to the relaxed state.
What causes erectile dysfunction?
Many believe that with age, erectile dysfunction is inevitable. Although the number of men with erectile dysfunction and increases with age, there is the possibility that erectile dysfunction develops as a consequence of any disease or drugs in these diseases. Erectile dysfunction is rarely a purely psychological problem. Studies have shown that 80% of male erectile dysfunction is a consequence of any physical condition. These include: chronic disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis is often accompanied by erectile dysfunction. Kidney, liver, thyroid, hormonal disorders also lead to erectile dysfunction.
Men who suffer from depression are also frequently reported that they had erectile dysfunction.
Surgery and neurological disorders
If you somehow damaged the nerves connecting the penis to the central nervous system may occur erectile dysfunction. They include surgery on the prostate gland, spinal cord injury or pelvic organs, stroke, multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer's disease.
Admission drugs
Many medicines, appointed under the above-mentioned diseases by themselves can cause erectile dysfunction as an additional side effect. An example would be drugs designated for high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, arthritis, peptic ulcer disease or epilepsy.
Smoking, alcohol abuse or drug use can cause erectile dysfunction. If you want to learn more about the causes of erectile dysfunction, or believe that one of the above reasons it may be relevant to you, make an appointment to our sexologist. It can further discuss with you these questions.
Erectile dysfunction affects the lives of men
Regardless of their reasons for erectile dysfunction may negatively affect the lives of men. This can be expressed in a loss of self-esteem, feeling that he is no longer a real man: it may even lead to the fact that he was emotionally and physically far removed from those who loved him, and thereby only exacerbate the problem. Many men are embarrassed to talk about it with their sexual partner, but the problem of erectile dysfunction and its concerns too. If possible, it is important that a man had discussed their experiences with their sexual partner and to seek its support. In most cases, the sexual partner is also to be relieved, and she wants to discuss this issue and make the first steps to address it.
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Erectile dysfunction can be treated
Men do not ask about treatment because they believe that nothing can be done. In fact, everything is different. The overwhelming majority of male erectile dysfunction can be treated.
You do not need to feel awkward talking to your doctor. It is important to be completely candid with him that he could obtain a complete and accurate picture and assign you the right treatment, to give the necessary information and provide appropriate support.
What do I do next?
If you feel that you have erectile dysfunction, you should make an appointment with your doctor. You may want to see your sexual partner came to the reception with you, so you both can learn more about the condition and possible treatment.
At the reception, your doctor may ask you some questions in order to ascertain the reasons for your problem and make the correct diagnosis. You may need to undergo a standard medical examination, as well as, perhaps, blood tests and urine tests.
Once will be diagnosed, the doctor will explain to you what treatment options exist in your case, and you can choose for themselves the best method of treatment, if you will, with the participation of your partner. You know that you have choices and can choose the type of treatment that is best suited for you and your relationship.
What is erectile dysfunction?
The term "erectile dysfunction" has replaced the outdated term "impotence". The word "impotence" is no longer used, because it does not give a clear explanation of the problem. Moreover, the use of this term led to an incorrect understanding of this condition. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction, are not sterile and retain the ability to ejaculation and orgasm, as well as all other men. У них так же есть все нормальные мужские половые признаки. Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be defined as "inability to achieve and (or) to maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity."
For most men at some time in their lives may be problems with achieving and maintaining an erection, possibly due to excessive stress, receiving large amounts of alcohol, or simply fatigue. However, if this problem persists, it most likely is associated with erectile dysfunction. ED affects 100 million men worldwide and 30 million men in the United States. The study of men's health showed the overall prevalence of ED, equal to 39% in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, Italy and Spain.
Study IMSM (Massachusetts study on issues of aging men) found that 52% of men aged ot40 to 70let in varying degrees, suffered from erectile dysfunction. Many men with erectile dysfunction to suffer in silence because they believe it - artificial problem that they have to put up with her because they grow old or because there is still nothing to be done.
Why there is erectile dysfunction?
To understand why there is erectile dysfunction, it is useful to know how an erection. When a man is sexually excited, his brain sends signals to nerve endings in the tissues of the penis. This causes dilation of blood vessels in the penis and increases blood flow to it, which, in turn, leads to an erection. At the same time, those vessels, which usually occurs outflow of blood from the penis, are dwindling. This combination of increased blood flow to the penis and reduce its outflow leads to a full erection.
After the sexual act is the outflow of blood from the penis, and he returns to the relaxed state.
What causes erectile dysfunction?
Many believe that with age, erectile dysfunction is inevitable. Although the number of men with erectile dysfunction and increases with age, there is the possibility that erectile dysfunction develops as a consequence of any disease or drugs in these diseases. Erectile dysfunction is rarely a purely psychological problem. Studies have shown that 80% of male erectile dysfunction is a consequence of any physical condition. These include: chronic disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis is often accompanied by erectile dysfunction. Kidney, liver, thyroid, hormonal disorders also lead to erectile dysfunction.
Men who suffer from depression are also frequently reported that they had erectile dysfunction.
Surgery and neurological disorders
If you somehow damaged the nerves connecting the penis to the central nervous system may occur erectile dysfunction. They include surgery on the prostate gland, spinal cord injury or pelvic organs, stroke, multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer's disease.
Admission drugs
Many medicines, appointed under the above-mentioned diseases by themselves can cause erectile dysfunction as an additional side effect. An example would be drugs designated for high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, arthritis, peptic ulcer disease or epilepsy.
Smoking, alcohol abuse or drug use can cause erectile dysfunction. If you want to learn more about the causes of erectile dysfunction, or believe that one of the above reasons it may be relevant to you, make an appointment to our sexologist. It can further discuss with you these questions.
Erectile dysfunction affects the lives of men
Regardless of their reasons for erectile dysfunction may negatively affect the lives of men. This can be expressed in a loss of self-esteem, feeling that he is no longer a real man: it may even lead to the fact that he was emotionally and physically far removed from those who loved him, and thereby only exacerbate the problem. Many men are embarrassed to talk about it with their sexual partner, but the problem of erectile dysfunction and its concerns too. If possible, it is important that a man had discussed their experiences with their sexual partner and to seek its support. In most cases, the sexual partner is also to be relieved, and she wants to discuss this issue and make the first steps to address it.
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Erectile dysfunction can be treated
Men do not ask about treatment because they believe that nothing can be done. In fact, everything is different. The overwhelming majority of male erectile dysfunction can be treated.
You do not need to feel awkward talking to your doctor. It is important to be completely candid with him that he could obtain a complete and accurate picture and assign you the right treatment, to give the necessary information and provide appropriate support.
What do I do next?
If you feel that you have erectile dysfunction, you should make an appointment with your doctor. You may want to see your sexual partner came to the reception with you, so you both can learn more about the condition and possible treatment.
At the reception, your doctor may ask you some questions in order to ascertain the reasons for your problem and make the correct diagnosis. You may need to undergo a standard medical examination, as well as, perhaps, blood tests and urine tests.
Once will be diagnosed, the doctor will explain to you what treatment options exist in your case, and you can choose for themselves the best method of treatment, if you will, with the participation of your partner. You know that you have choices and can choose the type of treatment that is best suited for you and your relationship.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Hearing aid to get used
When it comes to wear a hearing aid, you feel uncomfortable? Own voice seems too loud? We hear a whistle? It is difficult to distinguish the voices of people from the background noise? This is a common problem among people who have recently started to use a hearing aid. Because of them, some no longer use it. Meanwhile, almost all of these problems can be solved.
Habituation to the hearing aid, as well as to the points, requires time and patience. Be realistic. Just as eyeglasses do not restore normal vision, hearing aids can not restore normal hearing or eliminate all background noise. In fact, hearing aids can hear sounds that you have long ceased to distinguish. At first, it can be confusing and frustrating, disturbing identify those sounds that interest you. Be patient, try to get used to hearing aids, and you will get from it is much more useful than if it is just collecting dust in the closet.
How to use a hearing aid
First of all, you need to understand how to properly use a hearing aid. Consult a physician-deaf as to put on and take off the apparatus, how to distinguish between left and right headphones, adjust the volume, clean machine. If you feel that something needs to be repeated or clarified, go to the doctor again to fully understand these basic points.
More. If your device is not configured or not working as wanted, talk to audiology, that he has done for you the necessary settings. Ask when and where better to test the device. Typically, a hearing aid is dressed in a calm atmosphere, and gradually move to using it in an environment with a significant amount of extraneous noise. Do not carry the device all day: you will experience less discomfort if you limit its use in some period during the day.
Please audiologist about all emerging issues. Whistling in the apparatus, as a rule, arises from the fact that the device does not quite fit on the form in the ear plug of earwax or fluid. Bass enhancement and too loud sound of his own voice, causing a feeling of light to stun, is called the occlusion effect. Audiologists help solve both problems, or suggest how you can deal with them independently. If you have only one earpiece, and you find it difficult to determine in which direction is the source of sound, can help to purchase a second earpiece.
Keep a diary
In the period of adjustment hearing aid and habituation Keep a diary. Each time, using the device in the new situation, write down how you hear and what problems arise. Then discuss the problems encountered with audiology. We'll have to be patient and do quite a long way to get used to hearing aid and new sensations. But as a result you really begin to hear better.
Rx Florida
Habituation to the hearing aid, as well as to the points, requires time and patience. Be realistic. Just as eyeglasses do not restore normal vision, hearing aids can not restore normal hearing or eliminate all background noise. In fact, hearing aids can hear sounds that you have long ceased to distinguish. At first, it can be confusing and frustrating, disturbing identify those sounds that interest you. Be patient, try to get used to hearing aids, and you will get from it is much more useful than if it is just collecting dust in the closet.
How to use a hearing aid
First of all, you need to understand how to properly use a hearing aid. Consult a physician-deaf as to put on and take off the apparatus, how to distinguish between left and right headphones, adjust the volume, clean machine. If you feel that something needs to be repeated or clarified, go to the doctor again to fully understand these basic points.
More. If your device is not configured or not working as wanted, talk to audiology, that he has done for you the necessary settings. Ask when and where better to test the device. Typically, a hearing aid is dressed in a calm atmosphere, and gradually move to using it in an environment with a significant amount of extraneous noise. Do not carry the device all day: you will experience less discomfort if you limit its use in some period during the day.
Please audiologist about all emerging issues. Whistling in the apparatus, as a rule, arises from the fact that the device does not quite fit on the form in the ear plug of earwax or fluid. Bass enhancement and too loud sound of his own voice, causing a feeling of light to stun, is called the occlusion effect. Audiologists help solve both problems, or suggest how you can deal with them independently. If you have only one earpiece, and you find it difficult to determine in which direction is the source of sound, can help to purchase a second earpiece.
Keep a diary
In the period of adjustment hearing aid and habituation Keep a diary. Each time, using the device in the new situation, write down how you hear and what problems arise. Then discuss the problems encountered with audiology. We'll have to be patient and do quite a long way to get used to hearing aid and new sensations. But as a result you really begin to hear better.
Rx Florida
Hormone replacement therapy in menopause
For a long time, hormone replacement therapy has been the gold standard for treatment of menopausal symptoms. Advertising extolled the benefit of this therapy for health and, in particular, the beneficial role that hormonal replacement therapy plays in the prevention of heart disease in women.
However, a study has received in the United States called the Women's Health Initiative, showed that hormone replacement therapy does not protect women against heart disease. In fact, long-term hormone replacement therapy (estrogen or combination estrogen and progesterone) slightly increased the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and thrombosis in elderly women. And although the increased risk was small, this discovery marked a real revolution in thinking about the protective role of hormone therapy.
Additional studies confirmed that combined hormone therapy (estrogen and progesterone) increases the risk of breast cancer in women with intact uterus in menopause. Women with low risk of developing breast cancer who took only estrogen were identified deviations in the results of mammograms, but the risk of developing breast cancer in these women has not increased.
On the other hand, hormone replacement therapy (combined estrogen and only) play a positive role in reducing the risk of developing colon cancer and protect bones from osteoporosis. The number of fractures in women taking hormone replacement medication, was lower than in women, they are not given. In addition, hormone replacement therapy remains the most effective treatment for certain symptoms of menopause.
The main conclusion of these studies is that for most women the risks associated with hormone replacement therapy outweigh its benefits. But studies of estrogen and progesterone on the heart continues. Therefore, every woman can weigh all the pros and cons and make a decision, given the state of their own health. The latest research may lead to different results in younger women (from 50 to 59 years) receiving hormone replacement therapy.
What is recommended now?
If hormone replacement therapy used to treat symptoms of menopause, should be appointed by the minimum dose, and treatment should be as short as possible.
The short course of treatment with low doses of hormones may be shown in the following cases:
· Tides
· Unpleasant sensations in the vagina
· Risk of developing osteoporosis (if you can not use other drugs)
Hormone replacement therapy should never be used to prevent heart disease.
The final decision on the appointment of hormone replacement therapy depends on the symptoms of menopause and the risk of developing other diseases. Before treatment weigh all the pros and cons with their physician and take a decision, it is best for your case.
Rx Iowa
However, a study has received in the United States called the Women's Health Initiative, showed that hormone replacement therapy does not protect women against heart disease. In fact, long-term hormone replacement therapy (estrogen or combination estrogen and progesterone) slightly increased the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and thrombosis in elderly women. And although the increased risk was small, this discovery marked a real revolution in thinking about the protective role of hormone therapy.
Additional studies confirmed that combined hormone therapy (estrogen and progesterone) increases the risk of breast cancer in women with intact uterus in menopause. Women with low risk of developing breast cancer who took only estrogen were identified deviations in the results of mammograms, but the risk of developing breast cancer in these women has not increased.
On the other hand, hormone replacement therapy (combined estrogen and only) play a positive role in reducing the risk of developing colon cancer and protect bones from osteoporosis. The number of fractures in women taking hormone replacement medication, was lower than in women, they are not given. In addition, hormone replacement therapy remains the most effective treatment for certain symptoms of menopause.
The main conclusion of these studies is that for most women the risks associated with hormone replacement therapy outweigh its benefits. But studies of estrogen and progesterone on the heart continues. Therefore, every woman can weigh all the pros and cons and make a decision, given the state of their own health. The latest research may lead to different results in younger women (from 50 to 59 years) receiving hormone replacement therapy.
What is recommended now?
If hormone replacement therapy used to treat symptoms of menopause, should be appointed by the minimum dose, and treatment should be as short as possible.
The short course of treatment with low doses of hormones may be shown in the following cases:
· Tides
· Unpleasant sensations in the vagina
· Risk of developing osteoporosis (if you can not use other drugs)
Hormone replacement therapy should never be used to prevent heart disease.
The final decision on the appointment of hormone replacement therapy depends on the symptoms of menopause and the risk of developing other diseases. Before treatment weigh all the pros and cons with their physician and take a decision, it is best for your case.
Rx Iowa
A matter of taste
Why in 10 years we plyuemsya Dad's beer or winced at the sight of a tomato, but to love them when we grow up? Age - only one of the factors influencing our sense of taste.
Man is born with about 10 000 taste buds on the tongue, but with age the number decreases. Because children more taste buds, they are more sensitive to the taste of cheese, tomatoes and pickles. Children do not like the bitter and sour foods, and they begin to love them only when mature.
Taste buds tongue
As adults, they have the ability to distinguish tastes developed in varying degrees. In part, this depends on the number of taste buds and their location. Taste buds are located in the small bumps on the tongue (taste buds, or bulbs), as well as in the mouth and throat. Papillae distinguish five basic tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, salty and sour (or taste of the minds). With regard to the acute sense of taste, in fact they are a chemical irritation or burns of taste receptors, but not an independent sensation.
Separate areas of language are more sensitive to certain tastes. That is why a professional wine taster rinse their mouth before swallowing. Slow chewing food also allows it to come into contact with a large number of taste buds. Sweet taste of the best there is tip of the tongue. The salty and sour - the side edges of the tongue. Bitter taste good differs from the root of language.
Another important point: the taste and olfactory sensations in the brain are linked. Coffee did not seem to be such a delicious, if we did not feel his scent. What we call a scent - a combination of smell and taste. The smell rises from a dish or drink, and while we're chewing it, or drink, volatile substances enter through the back of the mouth to the nose. Language tells us that the ice cream cold and sweet, and smell - that it is with the aroma of banana.
Good taste
Usually, we like the products that we loved in childhood. You always do not have enough salt or sugar? Most likely, the parents gave you a lot of salty and sweet, when you were little. Craving for sugar and salt is acquired.
Taste preferences also depend on cultural traditions. In our country, not many people who eat insects, rats, horses or sheep's eyes. The appearance of food also affect our choice - it is worth trying or not.
Taste buds tongue may collapse with age, but often there is deterioration in olfactory sensations. If a person complains that the dish was tasteless, perhaps, that he had problems with smell. Try to hold his nose when you eat chocolate, and it will be difficult to determine what it is. Colds or allergies are also: it becomes difficult to distinguish, that in your mouth raspberries or blueberries.
The most common causes of problems with taste sensations - are infections, intake of drugs, head injuries and dental problems. Less often, the inability to distinguish the taste is a symptom of diabetes or diseases of the nervous system.
Rx New Mexico
Man is born with about 10 000 taste buds on the tongue, but with age the number decreases. Because children more taste buds, they are more sensitive to the taste of cheese, tomatoes and pickles. Children do not like the bitter and sour foods, and they begin to love them only when mature.
Taste buds tongue
As adults, they have the ability to distinguish tastes developed in varying degrees. In part, this depends on the number of taste buds and their location. Taste buds are located in the small bumps on the tongue (taste buds, or bulbs), as well as in the mouth and throat. Papillae distinguish five basic tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, salty and sour (or taste of the minds). With regard to the acute sense of taste, in fact they are a chemical irritation or burns of taste receptors, but not an independent sensation.
Separate areas of language are more sensitive to certain tastes. That is why a professional wine taster rinse their mouth before swallowing. Slow chewing food also allows it to come into contact with a large number of taste buds. Sweet taste of the best there is tip of the tongue. The salty and sour - the side edges of the tongue. Bitter taste good differs from the root of language.
Another important point: the taste and olfactory sensations in the brain are linked. Coffee did not seem to be such a delicious, if we did not feel his scent. What we call a scent - a combination of smell and taste. The smell rises from a dish or drink, and while we're chewing it, or drink, volatile substances enter through the back of the mouth to the nose. Language tells us that the ice cream cold and sweet, and smell - that it is with the aroma of banana.
Good taste
Usually, we like the products that we loved in childhood. You always do not have enough salt or sugar? Most likely, the parents gave you a lot of salty and sweet, when you were little. Craving for sugar and salt is acquired.
Taste preferences also depend on cultural traditions. In our country, not many people who eat insects, rats, horses or sheep's eyes. The appearance of food also affect our choice - it is worth trying or not.
Taste buds tongue may collapse with age, but often there is deterioration in olfactory sensations. If a person complains that the dish was tasteless, perhaps, that he had problems with smell. Try to hold his nose when you eat chocolate, and it will be difficult to determine what it is. Colds or allergies are also: it becomes difficult to distinguish, that in your mouth raspberries or blueberries.
The most common causes of problems with taste sensations - are infections, intake of drugs, head injuries and dental problems. Less often, the inability to distinguish the taste is a symptom of diabetes or diseases of the nervous system.
Rx New Mexico
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